Biblical Studies Courses
Therapon University's Biblical Studies courses examine individual books of the Bible and delve into the message of each for us today. Courses from the Pastoral Studies curriculum may be applied to this major.
The BOOK of ACTS ![]() |
Text: | The Bible / Outline and Workbook from the Legacy Bible Outline Series by Harvestime International Institute |
Course Description: | Imagine what it would be like if the Book of Acts were missing. You would pick up your Bible and see the ministry of Jesus ending in the Gospel of John; next you would read about a guy named Paul writing to followers of Jesus in Rome. Who was Paul? How did the gospel get from Jerusalem to Rome? The Book of Acts answers these questions. "A great New Testament scholar has said that the title of Acts might be, 'How they brought the Good News from Jerusalem to Rome.'" (Barclay) |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Benjamin R. Bough, Th.D. |
Course Description: | A verse-by-verse study of the Apostle Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Benjamin R. Bough, Th.D. |
Course Description: | A verse-by-verse study of the Apostle Paul's second Epistle to the Corinthians |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
CALLED BY GOD![]() The Life & Ministry of the Apostle Paul |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D, Ed.D. |
Course Description: | A comprehensive study of the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul. Although we honor Paul with this study, if Paul were able to communicate with us today, he would likely refer to the Old Testament passage found in Psalm 115:1 and apply it to himself. He would humbly declare, "Not to me, O Lord, not to me, but to Your name be the glory." |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Rick Bough, Th.D. and Linda Ratcliff, Th.D, Ed.D. |
Course Description: | A comprehensive study of the Apostle John's three epistles, and the epistle of Jude |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text | The Bible / Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. |
Course Description: | An in-depty verse by verse study of the Aposlte Paul's epistle to the believers at Colosse. The book of Colossians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison), written about 60-62 A.D. The key personalities include Paul, Timothy, Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, and Epaphras. It was written to counter and respond to heretical teachings and encourage believers to serve with fervor and passion. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text | The Bible / Outline and Workbook from the Legacy Bible Outline Series by Harvestime International Institute |
Course Description: | The book of Ephesians was written to the church at Ephesus but, as with all of the epistles, it is also for believers of all times. In this epistle, the Apostle Paul informs the believer about their wealth in Christ, instructs them concerning their walk in Christ, and prepares them for spiritual warfare. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Daniel G. Hiers, Ph.D., Th.D. |
Course Description: | A methodical study of the epistle of the Apostle Paul written to the Galatians |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. |
Course Description: | An interesting study of the letter Paul wrote to the Philippians as he sat in a Roman prison, in which "joy" is one of his most frequently used words. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. |
Course Description: | A comprehensive study of Paul’s epistles to the Romans, one of the mightiest books of the canon. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
NEW!![]() ![]() |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. |
Course Description: | Ruth and Esther were two prominent women in the Bible, each with a unique story, background, and context. Both women exemplified important virtues and qualities and played significant roles in the Biblical narrative, demonstrating that all of us, regardless of our background, can have a profound impact on the course of history through our actions and faith. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
GENESIS REVIEW PART 1 - BS-201 ![]() |
Text: | The Bible / Genesis Review Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. |
Course Description: | This detailed workbook reviewing Genesis, the book of beginnings, includes an outline for the book and questions within each section. This is the first in the series of Therapon's Books of the Bible Review Workbooks. |
Credits: | 3 credits each, Parts 1 & 2 |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D. |
Course Description: | An in-depth study of the life of Jesus, written by the Apostle John. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Gene V. Personett, MBC |
Course Description: | An in-depth study of an orderly account of the life of Jesus, written by Luke, to provide a firm foundation for the faith of his friend Theophilus, and all who might read it. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Daniel G. Hiers, Ph.D., Th.D. |
Course Description: | An in-depth study of the Gospel of Mark |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Benjamin R. Bough, Th.D. |
Course Description: | Matthew’s gospel is the most detailed account of the life of Jesus, and his gospel contains more information about our Lord’s teachings than any other gospel. In the early church, the gospel of Matthew was the main book used for teaching, and all other books were used as reference points to prove that Matthew was correct. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
The BOOK of HEBREWS ![]() |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. |
Course Description: | The book of Hebrews is attributed to an unknown author and is considered one of the most profound and eloquent books in the New Testament. The primary theme of Hebrews is the superiority of Jesus Christ and the new covenant he established over the old covenant and the religious practices of Judaism. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
The BOOK of MALACHI ![]() |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Linda Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. |
Course Description: | The prophet Malachi was the last of his kind. He spoke the message of the Lord to the nation of Israel as a whole, and there was no prophetic voice after him for nearly 400 years, until the arrival of John the Baptist. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
NEW! ![]() |
Text: | The Names of God by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D. |
Course Description: | The Bible, with its diverse collection of books and writings, has presented us with a rich tapestry of names for God. Welcome to a captivating journey exploring these names through a course that unravels the profound and multifaceted nature of our Divine Father. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Daniel G. Hiers, Ph.D., Th.D. |
Course Description: | Every new Christian has many questions about his or her new life in Christ. They wrestle with such questions as: What should I look for in a church? What kind of man should be my pastor? How should I relate to the people in the church? If I aspire to be a leader in the church, what kind of characteristics should I possess? These and other questions may be answered by reading this in-depth study of 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
1st & 2nd PETER ![]() |
Text | The Bible / Outline and Workbook from the Legacy Bible Outline Series by Harvestime International Institute |
Course Description: | In his first letter, the Apostle Peter feeds Christ’s sheep by instructing them how to deal with persecution from outside the church. With his second letter, Peter's purpose iwas threefold: (1) to stimulate Christian growth, (2) to combat false teaching, and (3) to encourage watchfulness in view of the Lord’s certain return. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | Philemon - A Message of Reconciliation by Ben Cunningham, D.Th. / Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D. |
Course Description: | The short epistle of Paul to Philemon is one of the shortest books in the Scriptures, but it is not brief in its message. It expresses a perfect portrait of what Jesus has done for His people, in the way that Paul deals with the reconciliation of Philemon and his servant Onesimus |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
Text: | The Bible / A Practical Analysis of Job by Ben Lamar Cunningham, Th.D., Workbook by Daniel Hiers, Ph.D., Th.D. |
Course Description: | Through this study of the life of Job, students will learn that when disaster strikes, God’s people are still God’s people, even when the future is not what it used to be. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
PSALM 23 ![]() |
Text: | The Bible / Workbook by Benjamin R. Bough, Th.D. |
Course Description: | An in-depth study of the six most famous verses in the Book of Psalms |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
1st & 2nd THESSALONIANS ![]() |
Text | The Bible / Outline and Workbook from the Legacy Bible Outline Series by Harvestime International Institute |
Course Description: | Paul had at least three purposes in mind when he wrote his letters to the Thessalonians. First, he wanted to encourage the Christians in Thessalonica who were making good progress in their new faith. Second, he desired to correct misinformation about himself and his fellow missionaries that some of his critics in Thessalonica were circulating. Third, he wrote to give additional instruction that would contribute to the Thessalonians’ spiritual growth. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
TWO MINOR PROPHETS - TWO DIFFERENT ATTITUDES ![]() The Books of Jonah & Habakkuk |
Text | The Bible / Workbooks by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D. |
Course Description: | An in-depth study about the assignments of Jonah and Habakkuk to call the people to repentance. |
Credits: | 3 credits |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
NEW!![]() ![]() |
Text: | When God Interrupts, Text and Workbook by Linda A. Ratcliff, Th.D., Ed.D. & Irene Semu, B.Th. |
Course Description: | This course was inspired by the worldwide shutdown due to COVID-19. Besides the obvious health impacts of the pandemic, many people are still struggling with the immense emotional, economical, and societal changes it triggered. So I began to wonder, where was God's hand in all this? Were there examples in the Bible of saints whose lives had been interrupted so dramatically? To my surprise, my original outline had notes for over 50 interruptions in the Bible, and they almost always ended with result that the person whose life was interrupted had just received a new assignment from the Lord. |
Credits: | 3 credit hours |
Availability: | Online Only, nothing to purchase |
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